Customer Support
How to Request Support
Support for the Rapid Launch Portal
Customer support for the Rapid Launch Portal can be requested as follows:
Via the DNASTREAM support portal: access the support portal by clicking below and login using your account details, which will have been provided previously by DNASTREAM or your company administrator.
Via email: send an email to rapidlaunch.support@dnastream.com and include full details of your request, including
your name and company
your contact details
a full description of the request - if you are reporting an issue, please ensure that you provide full details of how the issue can be reproduced and include any attachments that may provide additional information such as screenshots
the priority of the request, with due consideration of any business impact (refer to guidance given below).
The DNASTREAM support portal includes useful articles and FAQs that may help with common issues or queries relating to the Rapid Launch portal, which should be reviewed before raising a new support request.
Telephone support for the Rapid Launch portal is not provided within standard support arrangements. Where appropriate, telephone support may be provided under special arrangements for an agreed period.
Support for other applications and services
Customer support for other applications and services will be via a specific email address or telephone number, as advised during the onboarding process. If you do not know which email address or telephone number to use for requesting support, please contact your local administrator.
Normal Support Hours
Normal support hours are 0800 to 1800 UK time Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays. All support requests raised outside of these hours will be dealt with at the commencement of normal support hours.
Customers with special arrangements or enhanced support (e.g. additional support during a go live situation) will have specific support hours as agreed with DNASTREAM.
Support Request Priority
Each support request should be assigned a priority, according to the following guidance:
Urgent: Business critical (for productive solutions only or under special arrangements) – an issue that results in total loss of the service or solution, or loss of a significant function that affects the majority of users or processes where no suitable workaround exists
High: Severe impact – an issue that significantly impairs the functionality of the service or solution for a large number of users or processes where there is no suitable temporary workaround
Medium: Degraded operations (the default priority) – an issue that results in slight impairment of a function of the service or solution, or a more significant issue that affects a limited number of users or processes
Low: Cosmetic or Feature Request – a cosmetic defect that does not affect functions of the service or solution, or a request for a new or changed feature, or a general query relating to the service or solution